
I have noticed that lots of wooden frames had ornaments on them usually flowers but also weird shapes. This gave me idea that this would make the frames more interesting.

Victorian era ornaments:

ornament download images (7) images (6)

So i Tried to create my own simple ornaments and use them on the textures of the assets.

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I’ve have created wooden frames and put some ornaments on top of them and i really like the look of it.

David Sovic


I wanted to add some kind of vent system to the train so I’ve looked up some some vents and i really liked the ones in the shape of circle.

kkk hh hkuu

Here are some drawing adding rust.


I really liked the top right one so I used it.

David Sovic


I decided that I will keep the idea of rusty metal in the tube interior, I will put it on some minor places such as handles that are made of metal.

I have looked at some rust so i know how it looks like on different metals.

juf gth sdafgw thgdf

David Sovic

Victorian Theme

So originally I meant to create a metal looking tube interior that would be very rusty which would emphasize that it is transport for very poor people, but since we decided we are going with theme of Victorian era i have changed had to change my initial idea.