Windows and doors

So I’ve had this idea making the windows of the tube and the doors look like they are metal and very cheap this would give this feeling of being in prison. The metal frames of the windows would be damaged and corrosive. Here are some ideas how i think it would look like.

This rectangle window would be used as the window that is behind people and sits they will be very big windows. There will be smaller version of these will be used on the double door which are entrance for the tube.

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The little circle ones will be used on the door that are use to get to another carriage I am also thinking putting on the bars just for the ascetics.

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David Sovic


So I decided I want to the player see the difference between poor and rich people which will be mainly showed on the characters, but I also want to show it in environment so the tube will should be dirty and very poor looking so if there is a rich character the character will look out of place.